
Sorry for the late update. This weekend I was with Effy the whole time. On friday I attended her bday dinner party & on saturday we celebrated youssefs 20th bday. I also managed to say hello to Pontus on sunday and I ate dinner at his place with him and his momma. Babe and I also spoke to eachother a couple of times that day since it was Valentine's day. We are both excited about me moving over there... in less then a month I will be living there permantly. Who wouldve thought? Kimba in Amsterdam ^^. Well here some pics of the place that I will get the keys to on the 5th of March. X gotta bounce.

Postat av: vogel

ahh wat een knus huisje :) en een tuintje super mooi xx

2010-02-15 @ 18:38:36
Postat av: Linda

Dat zier er gezellie uit!Lekker met een tuintje erbij!

2010-02-22 @ 10:10:45

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