
Wow have been offered to go to Kenya and Barbados now haha :) Well I'm only going if babe can go with me otherwise I will just enjoy my summer in Amsterdam this year. No worries! Yesterday my folks & I had dinner with Tom & Carina, was really nice to be inside since the temperature here was insane! -18 degrees!! SICK!! Either way I had a very relaxing weekend so far! Cheers!


Annika + Kimberley in Australia 07/08


I love...


Well folks I'm back, I just bought lots of food for tonight... going to make my special tagliatella haha! I'm just gonna throw some ingredients together and then hopefully it will taste good! Otherwise I had a pretty good day, I was a bit slow from yesterday's events but that's life! Tomorrow a meeting with Annalena at 1415, then hopefully meet Tessi again for a short while and after that I'm going to my parents place! Looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend! Kisses


I just bought so much fruit! Especially pineapple, so friggin' tasty! Managed to speak to my love already today or lets just say I woke him up with a big "HOIII", but I know it's always appreciated! He is coming in exactly 7 days! Can't wait to see my Willy! Today's plans are to work on my scriptos and to enjoy the beautiful cold yet sunny weather! Well I'm off, going to fix my camera as well and hopefully I can start taking some more pictures! Lots of love KIMBA



so bloody annoying


Amsterdam 24feb-2march


Hellu folks, just woke up... eating breakfast with a nice cup of green tea. After that I'm gonna hit the shower and get ready for today. But damn, it's snowing like hell outside! Definitely gonna be cold so need to put on a sweater or two. Well got plenty of things to do today. Love xxx


[√] Go to Pascha at 1200
[ ] Meet up with Monika at 1300
[√] Meet up with Tessi at 1700




you + me = oui


Heya people, tonight I have to get my first draft finished for my independent study. Deadline is tomorrow at 1400 so I have six and a half more pages to write! After that I can breathe out again ^^ Tomorrow I have to go to school to discuss my work with Annalena, then after that I will go to the gym and look at the prices and so forth. Then on Wednesday I will meet Tessi again just like last week, same time same place! Probably be our new thing. Every Wednesday after work a lovely beer and lots of talking to do. Then the rest of the week will be focused on the other part of my film project and just exercising! Well I'm off, have yourselves a great day! :)


Babe you are on my mind all the time! Haha like seriously get outta there funky boi! Can't think straight when I'm without you!


Getting ready to go to Väla with momma n after that dinner :) So far so good ay? Btw.. had a really funky dream yesterday haha dreaming of surfing.. haha great Kimba. have never tried that in my life but maybe this autumn I will go to Barbados with Hannis. Maybe then I will learn something! But it was a beautiful dream. Big waves and I was just cruising.. really didn't want to wake up haha! This week gonna be a bit busy, hopefully have time to squeeze in some folks as well. Pontus will be in town so maybe get an update of his life.. haven't seen him for quite a while. Well I'm off folks.. have a great day! Arrivederci 

my daddy


Heyaa peeps, I'm @ my folks house now chillin' and about to get on with my film haha.. I can't wait untill that is over. I'm somewhat tired since I only had four hours of sleep yesterday since I was super busy with cleaning my appartment. Re-organising everything, moving furniture around, ahh you name it. But it turned out as lovely as you can imagine! Well I'm off lovelovelove


I will not buy any clothes for a long time now since I gotta save up... but just had to load these pics up since I simply love em.


Oh jeez, I'm a bit behind schedule... better get going now. Arrivederci


Goodmornin' folks, off to buy bacon and eggs. Today I won't be too busy, just want to clean the appartment thoroughly, then study and after 8 tonight Hannah H. will come and spend the night. That's all folks, xxx.


Just came home from town... was with Tessi @ Hampan and really had to catch up. So nice seeing really good old friends again, just makes me realise that I should do this more often. This is one of the ladies that definitely has to come and visit me when I move to Amsterdam. I also spoke to my babe a bit but it was very quick since I was on the toilet and people were knocking on the door, sorry babe. Hopefully talk to you some more tonight or otherwise just read the cute email I wrote to you :) And in about 2 weeks he will be coming to Hbg again, can't wait... really don't like being without him. Tomorrow I will just study the whole day in appartment! Try and wake up early and then in the evening Hannah H. will come to the appartment and we also have to catch up. She was in Australia for 3 months and haven't seen her since. That ought to be nice. On Friday I will study some more and go to my parents house again. Love to be home during the weekends, always a full fridge and just feel so relaxed. I just don't want to go out since I really cannot afford it, if I really want to travel this summer I just cannot afford to go out, buy clothes, no nada! Well if that's what it takes to travel with babe then I'm up for it.
Well I'm off, gonna study some film and then watch some tv I guess... Kisses & hugs.



Yesterday I was invited for dinner @ Hanna's place, got to meet her awesome grandpa... super chill. And we just had a cozy evening with a good movie and lots to talk about. Today I will be studying for 4 hours and then I'm off to see Tessi at Knutpunkten at around 5. Haven't seen her for a looooong time. The rest of the week will be spent on my film + regular exercise. On Friday I'll be going back to my folks. Cheers



Just arrived at the appartment, actually a bit tired. Going to check the train times for tomorrow and then watch some tv. Have to make it an early night since tomorrow I have to wake up veeery early! Long day ahead of me ay? Looooove


No more spending money! Going to have a very tight budget so I can travel this summer!
I just found out that tomorrow I have to work in Lund at Sony Ericsson, ahh I really like that place... people are great and the work is easy just very long hours, sometimes up to 12 hours. I hope I get to work this whole week and next week, would be awesome money! Well I'm off, gotta work on the film after that I'm going to do a work out! Yepp Kimba has gone healthy!
Loveee folks


Hello folks, it's been a while since I updated you last but there isn't that much to tell. Been at my folks house all weekend working and studying and tonight I will be going to the appartment. This week will be busy, lots of phonecalls, exercising, studying and work to be done so I'll be pretty occupied. Meet Tessi on Wednesday and perhaps Hannah on Thursday. Well I'm off :) Kisses & love.


I'll never grow tired of you. 


Just finished watching the Hang Over... died of laughter as usual!! Love the bloody asian... "Toodaloo motherfoooooockerss!" See thats the reason why my best friend is an asian! That accent is a killer haha! Drinking my last beer now and then off to bed! Tomorrow it's Saturday... gotta work and do my film, what more do ya want haha! Wouldn't mind going out and having a good time though... but no work comes first! I might even go for a jog... yep you heard me. Well I'm off folks


When will they learn?


I didn't get the job... KLM just confirmed it with Content. I am quite disappointed to be honest... now I won't see Wilko and I will be stuck here with my own self pity. Such a shame... I'm gonna watch some tv now and stuff my face with some chocolate.
This sucks!


"Over the course of the average lifetime you meet a lot of people.
Some of them stick with you through thick and thin.
Some weave their way through your life and disappear forever. But once in a while someone comes along who earns a permanent place in your heart. " 
- The Wonder Years-


I am starting to see an effect of the hair masks that I have been using... I have very thick and frizzy hair so it easily gets dry when it gets exposed to harsh weather. Swarschkopf is my solution. 


Someone a while ago asked me what I got for xmas.
Let me break it down for ya...

- a sterlinks bracelet (norwegian brand) with a blue stone, a xmas tree and a stone with a k. (wilko)

- a leatherjacket. (mum&dad)

- make-up (mum&dad)

-- new winter shoes & some outfits for 2010. (bought it for myself)

- a necklace with my name on it, more like a bday present. (terra)

- a striped t-shirt from h&m. (hanna)

I probably left out some but I seem to have forgotten about them... I know that my grandparents got me something but it has been erased from my memory...


Couldn't really fall asleep... other things on my mind. So I am currently watching the fist of zen on my beloved tv haha! Just had a glance at my fingernails... blimey, it is a disgrace for a girl to live with such horrific nails but what can I say... I'm a notorious nailbiter who can't seem to get rid of this nasty habit. Ahh there are ofcourse several things that I would like to change about myself but I've come to like myself more and more through the years... I guess that's a typical aging thing. You know, learn to love yourself and all that bullocks. I'm also wondering if this blog really is interesting for you readers since I spend most of the time writing about my everyday life and my boyfriend... not always so interesting I recon... Ahh where did my readers go, I had plenty when I was single but that's life. Now my boyfriend will be reading this as well and as I imagine him frowning at these last couple of sentences I just wanna give him a slimey kiss on his lovely cheekbones and blimey does he got some... that stud! Well I've written enough nonsense for a week or two, this time I'm really off to my bed. Have to wake up early since I gotta take a friggin' shower, part of my newyear resolutions haha... shower each day. ahh dirty girl haha!
Ciao beautiful people


Just finished watching Alles is liefde and I literally cried like a baby through out the whole movie haha I just love romantic movies... makes me think about my BAMBI MAHAHAHHAHA. No but the movie was ok... it had a good ending which I personally don't like... I hate good endings, just give me somethin friggin' tragic already! Well I'm off to bed... need to get up early tomorrow for work.


Ahh, I have so much on my mind right now...
I have to work today, do my film, talk to KLM... book a flight to Amsterdam for next week...
If the film doesn't go good I don't get my degree... it's just stressing me out...
Need a friggin' holiday haha, just away from everything...
babe will you join me then?


Well I've taken a shower, used a hair mask and managed to even apply bodylotion on my skin haha... what a miracle! I'm all fresh and clean now and going to have some breakfast... then at 10.00 work starts and I will have to go by all those flower shops to see what they thought of the product... hopefully I can get all of them done however I have my doubts... See I don't have a car and no money for a buscard... so this might be a challenge!
When I get home I will work a little bit on my film if I'm not too tired... need to contact KLM as well since the woman I spoke to is not in her office today, so I need to contact her collegues, need to book my ticket now for next week otherwise it gets too expensive.
Then for the weekend I will be staying at my parents house... just work some more on my film and enjoy the luxury of a full fridge.


Goodnight readers, I'm off to bed... gotta get up early tomorrow.
Welterusten lieffie, ik hvj!

one of the first pictures taken of us


I love the way you understand me like no one else does. w+k


Aaah, just got called by KLM and they want to meet me... I will have to do three tests and if I pass them they will want to have an interview with me. Jesus, I'm really happy now... got my foot between the door now. This means that I will be going to Amsterdam this week or next week :) I really hope I get it!! Thumbs up!!
If I get it then I will be leaving Sweden permanently very soon! Start working in February!


I really hope I get the job because if I do then there is a very big chance that babe, antje, tim & I will go to Vietnam in July. Like 3 or 4 weeks in paradise? Doesn't sound bad now does it? ;)


Hello readers :) I am so happy today for some odd reason, I feel fresh and strict with myself. I woke up this morning, first thing I did was brush my hair and take a shower :O I am going to force myself to finish of the first draft of my independent study today and I will be doing this at the library untill they close. No excuses!
And last but not least go to bed early since I'm a person that really needs her sleep, I'm cranky if I don't.
Spoke to my babe yesterday several times on skype haha... ahh gosh I really miss him! But we stay in contact like nobody else! I'm just so happy that I met this crazy fella... fits me perfectly! B-B-BAMBI right?! Well I'm off, gonna eat breakfast, clean my appartment and I will be off to school. After that library time, big time haha!




Ahh, I just want the cold to go away and the sun to start shining!


Listening to Coldplay now and can't stop thinking about the previous summers. Sun, salty water, no make-up, brown skin, crazy parties, boys & girls, skating, smoking, corona, tequila shots, bar dancing, australians, pete doherty, summer flings, picknicks, secret encounters, malmö, underground music, hangmats, long bohemian dresses, no bra's, roadtrips to mölle, santorini, hitch-hiking, early sunsets, motorbikes, warm nights, sex, mando diao, amsterdam, sunbleached hair, wilko, pink coloured nails, sand in my shoes, all the time in the world...


Fed up with film. Can't seem to get any inspiration once again so I'm going for a walk.. get some fresh air and see if something pops up. Ciao


Today I have lots of things to get done, need to go to school tomorrow to register for the film - not something I'm looking forward to. Yesterday I had a calm evening, something I definitely needed with that hang over haha. Spoke to babe a bit but he was drunk haha forgot to call me as well so I recon he is not going to feel too good when he wakes up haha.
Well I'm going to eat some breakfast and then get started with my film. My goal is to work on it for a minimum of five hours. At least write the first complete draft for my independent study. Let's hope I can do it. After that either swim or go to the sauna, ahh.


I just applied for a job at KLM and if I get it then that means I will be moving sooner to Holland then planned. Probably in February and I'd have to stay with friends and family for the first month or so and then find a space of my own. I really hope I get it, I have the qualifications and the money is great. So thumbs up everyone!


And now ladies & gentlemen I better get on with my 'to do' list and get something done today. After dinner this lovely lady will come and pick me up and we'll hang a bit. Haven't seen her for 2 weeks. Come to think of it haven't seen any of my friends in 2010. Naughty naughty haha but can't blame me, I was in Amsterdam. Cheers everyone, I'm off.


I have been back in Sweden for two days now and feel like I'm in a bubble again haha. Seriously, babe and I spent 15 solid days with eachother and now when we're apart I just can't get back to reality. I just dream away of the two of us travelling the world and having adventures of our own. I'm a true day-dreamer these days, ahh what the heck? Anything is allowed when you are in love ey? Soon we will have 6 months and for us that is little but it's a start. We have already been in Greece, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway together during this time, so not bad ey? Hopefully we will conquer Vietnam in July! Thank you for coming into my life, making me a better person and making me open up in ways I thought were never possible. You are the love of my life and hopefully always will be.  


So much has happened recently and I don't know where to begin. I had a great time in Amsterdam with my love and came home yesterday. Had to sleep at the airport though since my flight was delayed and today was the funeral of Otto. Damn, probably the first funeral in a long time where I literally felt miserable afterwards. Poor Inger. I will give you a proper update tomorrow, just too tired now. 

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