Yesterday I did quite some things, I smoked, drank & danced all night! It started off at Hanna's place with 5 lovely red-lipped ladies! There I got some very tasty pumpkin soup which her father made.. slurp slurp and it was gone!
Hanna & her mummy also styled me that evening haha! Really I loved it.. I might even consider wearing that more! I don't care what people say but that look fits my personality haha, right Hanny?
SO after some white wine & a hell of a lot of red lipstick . the ladies & myself made our departure to the bus to get to Tivoli or I would just like to say Vinyl Baren.. well well haha! There we drank some more, danced some more and we all had a good time! Haha Hanna and I had perhaps a little bit too much to drink but hey you only live once right? ^^ After that she bought some food and we stayed at my place! I passed out within seconds, so darn tired.. and today I feel sore and have a headache :) Ah well!
Today I will just clean the appartment, Tatti wants to meet up and I also spoke to Bengan yesterday.. I don't know.. I'm so lazy.. all I want is some cheese snacks, coke, a sad movie & some naked skin. Yeah..
Well that's that! I have to continue cleaning and remove the make-up from yesterday, blagh! haha .
P.S. I will load up some pictures from yesterday later xxx
And do you know what else has been on my mind.. my baby.. seriously.. when I go to bed I really miss him and when I wake up I always hope to find him sleeping next to me.. but that's not the case. Especially now when it's getting pretty cold in Swe I just want him to be around me since there is nobody better than him at making me happy! I can't function properly without him! :( Ahh I will just have to wait a week or 2 before he is with me again! LOVE YOU!
xxx well that's all for now, will update you later. gonna make some tea now

Then I recon they will pick him up between 1600-1700 so I am looking forward to long walks in the forest tomorrow :) Then in the evening I don't have anything planned but I would love to catch up with one of the ladies or Bengan :)
Well I'm off to bed now..
sleeeeep tight



22:01 HOT OR NOT
explored my body,
got on top of me,
touched me,
he bit, sucked, swallowed,
when he was satisfied,
he left,
I was hurt,


Then I have also been invited to a Halloween Party on Saturday by Maz & Robin.. mm tempting? I don't know yet!
Well I'm off to the sauna at Pålsjö.. I need some some time to relax & get some ideas for my film script..
After that I will make some food and finish off with a good movie!
kisses&hugs everyone
. kimba

13:51 A matter of taste
Is Cheesecake something to like or not? Well by looking at my mouth and the way I am holding the fork...
....I'd prefer Chocolatecake!
I just couldn't resist loading up this photo :) This is going waaay back. My mother, myself & my little brother in Kos, Greece.
- Meet up with Patrick & Noa at 1600
- Go jogging again
- Start making myself a scarf
- Get my nails done
Tomorrow hopefully I can start taking care of Noa :)
Idag fick jag träffa mina älsklingar igen! Ebba & Jackie

Love it
Yesterday evening I met up with Larissa (my childhood friend) who currently lives in Amsterdam. We sat ourselves at a cafe outside and bought a bottle of white wine.. After an hour or two we decided to go to her place for yet again a glass of wine but also a chance for me to see where she lives.. actually very close to Willy- She then brought me back to Leidseplein and I walked to Albert Hein to wait for Willy. We ended up going to the cinema at around 2200 and watched an adorable movie called UP in 3D.. There we drank some beer.. and this morning ofcourse I woke up with a enormous headache.. AH, I just had a little bit too much to drink I suppose.
Will is at school right now and will be back soon, so I am going to get myself ready to go to town with him :) Cozy. And then tonight we are going on a boat trip at 2100, with yet again wine and snacks which will be served.. & today is the 26th, my gosh, we were on that boat 3 months ago. Time flies past :)
Well I'm off
Lots of love Kim
Larissa with her grandfather.
Update you laters
in amsterdamski .-
Yesterday we were lazy again and at around 1830 we hit the town and had a "kroket" AHH my favourite and after that went in one of those BIG Wheels at the Kermis (Carnival).. and ofcourse my naughty boyfriend loves to scare the living shit out of me.. he starts moving the darn thing.. and I must say I am a little bit scared of heights when I can't hold anything and when I don't feel secure.. so that thing was more scary than beautiful.. but we had some nice kisses and watched the view over Amsterdam.. B-e-a-utiful! After that we bought some "OLIEBOLLEN" Yes mum I did it.. I had 3 of those yesterday MMMM, and that taste is bloody amazing haha! And it's not even newyears eve yet ;) Couldn't be happier..
After that we went home, made dinner (TACOS) and went to THE CASINO.. well let me tell u something.. for me that casino was bloody huge.. and very seductive.. after wasting 30 euros on friggin machines which got me all warm and worked up, Willy comes up with the grand idea of "Let's win our money back", and blimey we DID and I was damn proud.. haha we ended up getting our 30 euros back aaaaaand 50 cents profit.. haha! WOW..
We also watched Rembert play poker in a poker tournament.. we ended up staying at the casino for like 5 hours.. went home at around 0300 in the morning but it was so worth it! In that tournament there were 80 inputs so 80 persons had been taking part in it and Rembert ended up on fourth place.. for me.. that is very impressive and a lot of fun to watch :) Definitely worth it! After that Willy, Rem & myself headed home and Willy & I watched some tv and fell asleep.. He is adorable that little one :)
And today we woke up at around 11 and Willy is off filming, Rem is also off to somewhere and I'm relaxing at the moment and have to get ready soon for my meeting at the police school at 1900. Willy downloaded all the Hills series for me so I have also been watching the newest episodes of season 6 NAJS! :)
Well that's all, I will update you more this week..
xxxxxx Kimmi
Time to go to bed, sleep tight everyone (v).
This weekend has been a good reminder what my family really means to me! Hahaha, I had such a blast with my father, uncle and mother on Friday.. my god they were drunk! Way too many jaeger shots and listening to Kashmir from Led Zeppelin! Oh when we saw that live show of him playing music I just wanted to go back in time and let my hair loose!
Well that's that.. & today we all woke up early (Sifra, Bram, Floris, Gerald, Papi, Mami & the Markie) and went to town.. to some music stores where the boys could play some guitarr and drums.. a true playground to them.
After that I said my goodbyes and walked home, saw a note at Ica Hamilton for taking care of a dog.. so I decided to give em a call and now there is a very good chance that I will be having a dog here during the week called Noa :) I already met with the owner called Patrick and the dog himself.. I clicked with the dog so that's something positive since he will be with me during the week from early in the morning untill noon.
AAnd tomorrow I am off to Wilko for 8 days.. will be back late on the 27th. Got a meeting there at police school on Thursday and I'm planning on eating dinner with Larissa one of those days as well.. Sounds like a cozy autumn holiday to me :)
Well I'm off, have to buy some "kötbullar" and milk :)
Went to the music store today and found this adorable flower power electric guitarr.. I'm in LOVE!
A little bit about me...
Full name: Kimberley Eshuis
Birthdate: 23/09-1989
Born in: Elburg, Holland
Nationality: Dutch/Danish
Parents: Frederik & Lotte
Siblings: Mark-Alan
Status: In a relationship with Wilko
Current location: Helsingborg, Sweden
Horoscope: Virgo/Libra (Born on a Cusp)
Chinese Zodiac: Snake
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Light Brown
Length: 1.65
Weight: 54
Skin Colour: Slightly tinted still from the Sun (Working Holiday in Greece)
Nails: Short
Body: A little bit curvy I suppose (got a big behind haha) & a small belly
Song listening to right now: Sia - The Girl You Lost To Cocaine (Stonebridge Edit)
Clothes wearing right now: A white gentlemen's blouse and knickers (I prefer wearing this during the weekend, nice and breezy)
Perfume wearing right now: Meditteranean by Elisabeth Arden (My favourite)
Countries visited: Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Holland, Luxembourg, Belgium, France, Spain, Greece, England, Kenya, Egypt, China, Japan, Australia, Singapore, Thailand.
Countries/Places that I want to visit: South Africa, Cuba, Colombia, Brazil, USA, Hawaii, Kathmandu (Nepal), New Zealand, Peru, Antarctic & ofcourse the Moon :D
Countries worked in: Holland, Sweden, Denmark, Greece.
Favourite animal: Turtle
Favourite colour: Blue
Favourite place on earth: Santorini
Favourite year so far: 2009
Favourite music: Psy Trance, House, Alternative, Hardstyle, Electronic, Rock, Heavy Metal
Favourite movie: On the Beach (Australian Movie)
Favourite food: Mc Donalds actually haha what I don't want to lie! :P
Favourite beer: Tuborg and Mythos
Favourite shot: Tequiiiiila!
Favourite DJ's: Showtek, DonkeyRollers, Dj Pavo, Axwell.
Favourite TV show: Family Guy
Favourite club in Copenhagen: IIIN!
Most beautiful experience: I have two: 1) Swimming to a boat in the middle of the night @ Perissa Beach with Wilko on the 26th of July (2009) that changed my life<3 I love you! 2) Flight from Japan to Australia, upgraded to first class, lots of champagne, listening to psy trance and watching the Great Barrier Reef below me, knowing that I would meet Annika after 3 years.
Best dance event: Sensation White 2008 in Copenhagen with Samuel, Gurra, Jocke, Srdjan, Alexander & Tessi.. never forget it.
Tessi & myself on our way to Sensation
Gettin' ready to dance all night
The guys & moi finally at Sensation!
Srdjan, myself and Alexander
Me & Tessi inside!
Jocke, myself & Tessi
And to finish off this is the guy that I had that beautiful experience with in Greece.. ik hou van je! (v) ALTIJD!
Just 3 more days and I can breathe out again <3
Will you love me in the morning
When it’s far too early
And you hate the place and work
You have to go to at nine
Will you love me in the morning
When the coffee’s cold, the paper’s late
The rain keeps pouring for the third day straight
Will you love me in the morning
When we’ve had a fight and I
Have told you things you know I never really meant
Will you love me in the morning
When you’ve been awake since three
And there’s no hope in making up the lack of sleep
Hittin' the sac.
Goodnight, i'm off to bed.. hope you had such a good night as i have had.. xoxo

Jönköping :)
Goodmorning folks, I've been up all morning eating a healthy breakfast, going powerwalking and now I'm going to finish off with a nice hot shower and some green tea haha you know my addiction :)
After that I'm off to Jönköping with my father and Therese to a business conference in Jönköping all day.. I should be back at around 6-7 o'clock.
Ps. Here is some beautiful wave photography, that ought to cheer you up :)
Wave Photographer: Clark Little
Time to go home lads..
I'm leaving my folks soon and going back home! Have not been there for a whole week.. Ah gosh.. I bet the place needs some serious cleaning.. darn! Time to face reality haha!
๏๏ђ lค
Even more inspiration
My dream house! Just want it simply and cozy :) perfect as a surf shack as well
It's cold outside & all I need right now is my baby by my side! <3
I know dreads don't have the best reputation but I have to admit that I have always really liked them since I was a little girl. But that's the problem.. I might like them but getting them is the next step.. a way too big step for me!
Well here are some beautiful ones I found on the net.
baby baby baby
Today I have:
x. Finished my CV in all languages possible haha
x. Made an outline for my independent study
x. Decided on the dates 20-27 October AMSTERDAM <3
x. Relaxed, got a cold so couldn't do much :/
This week I want to:
x. Skype more with my baby (v) miss him
x. Go to Alex in Malmö
x. Go with Dad to business conference on Friday
x. Finish first draft for independent study
x. Fix a deal with Annalena
x. Get rid of this cold
x. Do some jogging
x. Meet Terra & Tatti
Okay, that's all folks.. I'm out! -xxx-
Daniel Agger aka The Dagger normally plays for Liverpool as number 5 but recently played for Denmark against Sweden as number 4! This guy has one hell of an attitude and got balls.. We like him!
Så här kul hade min bror & jag det i bilen idag på väg hem haha! Har flera bilder men får inte lägga upp dom enligt honom haha :D
Hur som hellst, har haft en underbar helg i DK -super glad att Danmark vann mot Sverige (är halv dansk trots allt) ;)- och har precis kommit hem. Har redan hunnit kolla på ett avsnitt av The City, me love! Älskar när Whitney dissar Jay- you go girl! Ska snart ta på några mysbyxor och min älskade tjocktröja och kolla på en film som heter Stop-Loss. Får hoppas att den är bra! :)
Ska dra nu mot Danmark, tillbaka Söndag kväll! Ciao :)
My bro & I @ my folks house doin' what we do best hahahaha!
People, Can U Hear Me ?
Here's a message that I'm sending Now,
I've Got the answer to all your problems,
And tonight I'll be singing it loud
Just surrending yourself to the rhythm,
With your Hands up in the sky,
Feel the energy deep inside your system
And leave this world behind,
Leave the world behind you ...
Snoes & ik

• Loose 5 kilos
• Build up my stamina
• Don't blackout when drinking
• Finish my movie before the winter
• Money for surprise that I have in store for babe
• Start thaiboxing in January
• Full-time job
• Surf with Pontus
• Go to Stockholm for the very first time
• Find a room in Amsterdam
• Apply for police school in Amsterdam
Goals accomplished:
• Stopped smoking cigarettes
• Worked every single day for 3 months in Greece
• Finished the IB
True Addiction
I need atleast two cups of green tea before I do anything in the morning! I drink it without sugar preferably and it tastes so blimey good! :) YAM YAM!
Pink to make the boys wink ;)
Wouldn't mind carrying these beauties with me (v) Ahh
And btw, I looked at the statistics just now and saw that I have received more readers these last couple of days :) I like it!
[x] Dishes
[x] Healthy breakfast
[x] Meet Pontus at 11 before he goes back to his lady in Åre
[x] Go jogging
[ ] Write my CV in swedish not only english and make it longer
[ ] Talk to dad about film situation
[ ] Send some CV's off today via email
[x] Meet up with Terra today
[x] Possibly go home to my folks today or tomorrow
Well that's all for now folks, I will update you later today :)
Kisses & Hugs
Kimmi x .
Good & Bad
+ I'm training
+ On a diet
+ Looking for work
+ Making good food everyday
The Bad .
- I need to talk to Annalena & Morten
- Need to fix my darn nails but can't afford it
- Missing Wilko already
Ah, boring stuff
[x] Going for a 3km jog to start with
[ ] Fix my nails + nailpolish
[x] Call for podengo
[ ] Email to Annalena, Morten & Monika
[ ] Start intro for Independent Study
[ ] Take bus home to my folks
Oeee I Like!
Shouldn't be so hard to recreate. Take an ordinary blouse and sow a black ribbon to it around the inner edges. Mmm, perhaps it is time to be creative?