Merry XMAS everyone and have yourselves a good New Year. I apologize for the delayed update but I have been with my babe all these days. We went on a mini-cruise to Norway and celebrated a lovely XMAS eve with my parents. Yesterday we even got the chance to go snowboarding. All in all a great couple of days so far. We are probably going to go home tonight or tomorrow to my appartment but for now we are at my parent's house. We have had some very interesting talks with the family and some very tasty snapps which we all love haha. Either way my babe and I will leave for Amsterdam in a couple of days to celebrate NewYearsEve together!
Well I'm off,
have to buy XMAS presents & after that I have that dreaded meeting for my eyes at 12 o'clock. Ahh I will have to do it since I am as blind as a bat without my lenses haha! Ask Flips, she really knows how bad eyes I have, she tried one of my lenses once haha and swore that she felt like she was drunk haha. So that's the vision from my eyes haha, foggy and drunk :) Lovely to know. After the meeting I will meet up with my mother and have a cup of tea at my place. Hopefully I will be able to squeeze in Terra and Hanna as well in my time schedule today! Then at around 7-ish I will go to Copenhagen airport to pick up my love!
Sorry for the quality of this picture, took it with my mobile phone.
Wouldn't mind getting a new pair of converse for XMAS. This time in red since I already have them in white & light green.

Thumbs up for this one

This model reminds me a bit of my DKNY watch, absolutely lovely.

Silver and simple.

hopefully you have enjoyed reading about all the nonsense that I have written today. My super ego wants to have her beauty sleep so I will have to crawl into my warm bed.
Sleep socially everyone haha! In other words I hope you all have company tonight!

Love these!
Sweet mornings with you
Now I am rested on the couch and will be watching Coyote Ugly soon! I was never allowed to watch this movie when I was a young girl so now I finally have the chance haha as a 20 year old to enjoy it to the fullest.


Haha, I think I prefer the long straight hair though but this is quite funky as well!
I really hope that there will be busses leaving to town tonight cause the snow is pretty high here. It seems that the frosty weather is causing delays everywhere. I hope the weather does not cancel Wilko's flight tomorrow, cause that would really drive me mental. I will update you later.
Veronika Antsipava
This is the beautiful 14 year old Veronika Antsipava. Models keep getting younger and younger these days, poor girl.. she does not know what she is in for. Beautiful shots though I must say.
Veronika Antsipava (DNA)
By Luis Sanchez
Shot in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Aren't these nice for the next summer?
Rayban Oversized "Cat eye" sunglasses
Oh lord, my hair is so curly now that Beyonce ain't got nothin' on me! For some reason it has decided to curl up so much that I now have soooo short hair, and have the Marilyn Monrou look but with mini curls haha! I will take some pictures later so you can find it as amusing as I did.
Hello folks,
I've been so busy finding the right design for my blogg that it is seriously driving me mental haha! It has turned into an everlasting hobbie skipping through the pages on internet for inspiration! This might not be the one that I will settle for but it will do for now! Today will be my last day at my parent's place, I have been here for about five days now enjoying my mother's food and lovely company. I guess it is time to return to the real world and I am feeling better than ever! My love will be arriving tomorrow evening so I have to buy all the Xmas presents for my family tomorrow, what a drag. Today I will just pack my belongings and take care of this curly hair haha. It might have not been the right time to curl my hair regarding the weather but I just couldn't resist. Well I'm off, going to have a mini spa day for myself. Need to get rid of this winterfur that has decided to settle down on my body haha, well well when the boy is not around anything is allowed ey?
In 2 days my baby will come to Swe once again and he will stay untill the 29th. During this time I have a 2-day trip planned for him & me but he doesn't know where or when. We will celebrate Xmas @ my parents place and on the 29th we will both be leaving Swe together to celebrate NewYearsEve in Amsterdam :) 15 solid days with eachother, ah lovely :)
Take care peeps
Well I haven't updated you in a while.. I'm still sick and have been @ home all this time!
I'm feeling slightly better today but still have to take it easy if I want to recover fully!
Today I just wanna do the data for my dad and curl my hair haha :)
I'm just going to go outside to buy some food so I will put on my winter gear and go out in the snow ://
I really have to get better.. forreal! Next week I have so many things planned!!
Well I'm off

I mellannamn då? - Har inget
Vart bor du? - Vid Friabad, Helsingborg
Trivs du där? - Nope men kommer flytta till Amsterdam nästa maj så det e niiiiice
Brukar du läsa horoskop? - Haha yepp
Har du körkort? - Nej
Äger du några converseskor? - Yes, två par
Favoritdjur? - Sköldpadda
Favoritfärg? - Innan så var det blå men nu är det röd
Vad spenderar du dina pengar på? - Mat & resor till Amsterdam varje månad
Antal kuddar i sängen? - 2
Kan du baka bullar? - Jajamen
Har du varit med i scouterna? - Maha ja fast det var bara två gånger
Bläck eller blyerts? - Bläck!
Mc Donalds eller Burgerking? - Mc Donalds så klart, gillar verkligen inte Burgerking!
Är du allergisk mot något? - Nope :)
Hur svarar du i mobilen? - Nämen hallå jaaa!
Vem ringde du senast? - Mamma
Antal timmar sömn inatt? - 8
Sov du ensam? - Nej hade min sköldpadda nalle som sällskap haha faktiskt sant
Brukar du snusa? - Har gjort det två gånger men tycker att det inte ser klokt ut haha!
Sov i din säng - Wilko
Du delade en drink - Terra på Pascha haha
Du gick på bio med - Wilko
Skällde på dig - Förmödligen mamma
Skickade ett e-mail till dig - Manpower
Sagt "jag älskar dig" och menat det? - Yepp :)
Bråkat med ditt husdjur? - Haha hur fan kan man bråka med sitt husdjur haha klart it happens all the time liksom
Drömt något helt galet och så har det hänt dig nästa dag? - Yepp fast det var väldigt länge sen
Tar du droger? Nej verkligen inte, drugs is for losers!
Dricker du? Haha försöker inte men lyckas inte alltid
Vem är din bästa vän? Annika Michelle Salbro men flickan bor i Australien nu tyvärr
Vad är du mest rädd för? Getingar aj aj aj!
Vilka kläder sover du i? Endast trosor faktiskt
Vart vill du gifta dig? - På stranden!
Vem hatar du verkligen? - Varför slösa bort sin tid på att hata? Det är det redan så många som gör tycker jag
Har du varit kär? - Yepp bara en gång och det är med min baby! Innan det så visste jag faktiskt inte vad kärlek var för nåt.
Kör du bil? - Endast övningskörning
Har du ett jobb? - Yepp, extrajobb
Gillar du att ha folk omkring dig? - Ibland, älskar o vara själv också!
Har du varit kär i någon du inte haft någon chans på? - Haha nej
Är du ensam nu? - Ja men jag njuter
Vill du gifta dig? - Klaaart fast inte än... haha först resa med älsk
Vill du ha barn? - Ja, sen när jag har jobb, har rest jorden runt flera varv och har gift mig
Rum i huset? - Vardagsrummet
Typ av musik? - Jag säger bara Hardstyle
Månad? - Har ingen favorit
Gråtit? - Verkligen inte
Köpt någonting? - Endast mat
Varit sjuk? - Yepp och är det fortfarande!
Sjungit? - Yes varje dag och spelar in det på mobilen HAHA
Sagt "Jag älskar dig"? - Yepp :)
Velat säga till några att du älskar dem? - Ja min bror och mina föräldrar
Träffat nån ny person? - Nope
Saknat någon? - Yepp, typ brorsan o Will
Kramat någon? - Yepp, mina föräldrar och flickorna
Kysst någon? Nope
Låt du hörde: Molotov Jive - Paint the City Black
Film du såg: Underworld maha fråga mig inte är beroende av vampyrfilmer! Har varit det sen jag var en liten flicka.
Dryck du köpte: Mjöööölk
Mat du åt: En macka
Människa du slog: Wow, det var nog när jag va 16 år och smällde till en kille på Retro haha oj oj så pinsamt
Långa telefonsamtal: Typ två timmar skype med älsk
Irritation: Vet inte riktigt... typ att jag hostar hela tiden
seriously I have this cold that I can't get rid of - keep on coughing and let's not even start talking about my blocked nose. :/ I hope I get better before Wilko comes. Jeez I better stay home today .. see it's times like these that I need Will to take care of me :( Well well ..
Gonna eat some breakfast now and then continue with the film

Managed to work on my PRODUCTION PORTFOLIO and wrote a page for my SCRIPT. So darn hard to come up with an idea that really rocks!

Terras xmas tree in her car, pimpiiiin' ;) haha!
Do you love me cuz I sure as hell love you

Just woke up and I got a lot of things on my agenda today. Have to talk to Manpower once again and then work on my film. This week is just going to be spent on my film so when Wilko comes in 7 days then I have the script ready and then we can have a look at it together and start filming during my visit to Amsterdam in Dec/Jan.
Well I'm off, gonna get something to eat and then I will begin!

& idag så vaknade jag relativt sent och mina föräldrar är och hälsar på. Hur som hellst, jag ska in i duschen nu!

Hur som hellst- jag ska in i duschen och sen bär det av mot Terra.

Hanna took this picture of me yesterday pouring the "non-alchoholic" beer into a glass haha!
Bloody proud of myself ey!
Well gonna go to bed now
lots of love xxx
gillar inte att det bli så kallt ute . usch & twi no thank you !
är ialafal hemma nu hos mami & papi . får försöka bli lite frisk nu sen imon e det terras fest . flickan får ju en fin tatuering av mig för allt vi har gått genom !
sen är det ju så här att baby kommer till sverige igen om 9 dagar så längtar ju så som faan! får dekorera lägenheten lite nu alltså . jultiden o allt det dära haha
igår va jag på pubro med flickorna , mysigt fast stack hem tidigt . haha dricker ju inte nuförtiden så allt är inte lika kul längre men men får skärpa mig lite
okiii im off
xxxxxxxxx massa kärlek
saknar dig brorsan <3
well im all ready, got the hair done, the makeup done.. everyting yuuupp ^^
& now i gotta go to that meeting
after that i will probably give the terra a call haha and i shouldnt forget to vacuum clean my house as well :) yeah this is a new record for me, 4 days completely clean! i guess i got this funk goin on within me and its goooood!
and then 2night watch filippas bf's band perform with my hanna!
okay cyah laters

förmödligen träffa terra en liten stund
sen hanny runt 8 tiden och se flips pojkvän uppträda
på fre bli det mys/tv kväll hos lynn
och på lördag ska jag till terra fast inte ut efteråt
är alldeles för trött för nåt liknande
och ska inte heller dricka nåt!
pussss & hej på daj !

[ ] Vit månad som börjar efter Nyår
[ ] Regelbunden motion
[ ] Nyttig kost
Last week/weekend we celebrated St. Nicholas in Zutphen with the family and we both received quite some things.
Then on Saturday we drove to Germany for Antje's Birthday; we ended up staying there untill Sunday noon.
And now I am back in Sverige haha. I just woke up and I'm going to buy myself a healthy breakfast. I feel good since I cleaned out my bag yesterday already so the appartment is for once sparkling and I don't have to do anything more.
Today I just have to finish the data for my dad & send a summary of my working experience last week.
Well I'm off xxxxx
/ kimini

Leaving tonight, packing at the moment & after that go to town .
Tonight: Zutphen
Tomorrow: Germany

I land in Amsterdam @ 21.00!

Give me white beaches

I am sooooo looking forward to tomorrow just getting on that flight to Amsterdam. I am gonna get stressed today and tomorrow. Today I have to work from 10.00 untill 18.00, then clean and pack my things and tomorrow I will be working half day and my mum will actually drive me to the different flowerboutiques so I can get rid of the boxes and I will tell her what to buy for Wilko's familia and Willy himself haha :) At 16.00 I will be on my way to the airport.
Well I'm off