
Well I'm up early today and I think I want to make that a routine, seriously .. I hate waking up late and wasting my day .. Sleep I can do later in life! I am currently listening to strawberry swing by coldplay ahh :) A great way to wake up!

And btw, I looked at the statistics just now and saw that I have received more readers these last couple of days :) I like it!


[x] Dishes
[x] Healthy breakfast
[x] Meet Pontus at 11 before he goes back to his lady in Åre
[x] Go jogging
[  ] Write my CV in swedish not only english and make it longer
[  ] Talk to dad about film situation
[  ] Send some CV's off today via email
[x] Meet up with Terra today
[x] Possibly go home to my folks today or tomorrow

Well that's all for now folks, I will update you later today :)

Kisses & Hugs

Kimmi x .


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