in amsterdamski .-

On Tuesday at 1610 I got on the boat to DK after that took the train to Copenhagen airport and there I checked in @ Norwegian. Everything was fine untill I got to security haha and for some funny reason I always seem to get nervous & warm so yes.. when my bag went through they stopped me and made a check.. ofcourse my sense of humour does not always help these situations so the "Don't worry, I don't have the cocaine you are looking for" was not very much appreciated.. However that's that- now to this point: isn't it funny how you always meet so many people on the way whilst travelling.. I certainly enjoyed it. I met two englishmen, 1 french, 1 german & a girl from China who I ended up spending most time with before the departure of my flight.. Now here is the thing, for a while now I have been terrified of flying.. so therefore I always make sure I have something to drink before I get on my flight. Well everything combined I had 2 big beers, 2 shots of Gammal Dansk & a whisky that someone bought for me :) Thanks once again! Either way, it was a lovely flight full of adventure (no shit when someone is tipsy) and once I saw Willy I just couldn't resist having a huge smile on my face.. he ofcourse noticed in a instant that I had been drinking whisky since the smell was still with me.. haha and he didn't make things better.. he brought champagne.. our little tradition which I love :) very much.. just to calm the nerves! We ended up going home and I got what I wanted the most.. to just sleep in his arms again :)

Yesterday we were lazy again and at around 1830 we hit the town and had a "kroket" AHH my favourite and after that went in one of those BIG Wheels at the Kermis (Carnival).. and ofcourse my naughty boyfriend loves to scare the living shit out of me.. he starts moving the darn thing.. and I must say I am a little bit scared of heights when I can't hold anything and when I don't feel secure.. so that thing was more scary than beautiful.. but we had some nice kisses and watched the view over Amsterdam.. B-e-a-utiful! After that we bought some "OLIEBOLLEN" Yes mum I did it.. I had 3 of those yesterday MMMM, and that taste is bloody amazing haha! And it's not even newyears eve yet ;) Couldn't be happier..
After that we went home, made dinner (TACOS) and went to THE CASINO.. well let me tell u something.. for me that casino was bloody huge.. and very seductive.. after wasting 30 euros on friggin machines which got me all warm and worked up, Willy comes up with the grand idea of "Let's win our money back", and blimey we DID and I was damn proud.. haha we ended up getting our 30 euros back aaaaaand 50 cents profit.. haha! WOW..
We also watched Rembert play poker in a poker tournament.. we ended up staying at the casino for like 5 hours.. went home at around 0300 in the morning but it was so worth it! In that tournament there were 80 inputs so 80 persons had been taking part in it and Rembert ended up on fourth place.. for me.. that is very impressive and a lot of fun to watch :) Definitely worth it! After that Willy, Rem & myself headed home and Willy & I watched some tv and fell asleep.. He is adorable that little one :)

And today we woke up at around 11 and Willy is off filming, Rem is also off to somewhere and I'm relaxing at the moment and have to get ready soon for my meeting at the police school at 1900. Willy downloaded all the Hills series for me so I have also been watching the newest episodes of season 6 NAJS! :)

Well that's all, I will update you more this week..

xxxxxx Kimmi

Postat av: Home

Sounds all very nice- what a conincident that there is an add just under your blogg today for cheap flights, haha. You have to get over the flight scare!!

50 cents- well that's an impressive win :)

Please bring back 2 packets of oliebollen mix van Koopmans for us (if it fits in your bag).

Good luck tonight at the police school and greetings to Wilko and Rembert.

2009-10-22 @ 15:01:14

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