Well I picked up Noa at 06:50 this morning and it was freezing cold! Noa is sleeping at the moment so it is nice and quiet in my appartment at the moment. I will go for a walk with him real soon :) A long one! I better get used to it since I will have to do it 3-4 times a day :)

And do you know what else has been on my mind.. my baby.. seriously.. when I go to bed I really miss him and when I wake up I always hope to find him sleeping next to me.. but that's not the case. Especially now when it's getting pretty cold in Swe I just want him to be around me since there is nobody better than him at making me happy! I can't function properly without him! :( Ahh I will just have to wait a week or 2 before he is with me again! LOVE YOU!

xxx well that's all for now, will update you later. gonna make some tea now

Postat av: baby

ahh... :) thanks nice! i love u! hope I can be there in two weeks!..

2009-10-30 @ 19:04:15

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