my teen years are officially over

During these last couple of weeks I feel like I have grown immensely. I have dealt with all sorts of situations and there are many more to come. To be able to stand on your own two feet in another country and work and live is quite an achievement at such a young age.

I am also realising what is important and what is not. When I return to Sweden things will change for me and I will choose to stop seeing certain people who give me a negative vibe. I will also get a job and continue to study. The choose of study will be focusing on psychology. My favorite subject.

As for the moment I feel like I'm living in a bubble, can't stop thinking about this particular person. INSANE is all I say!
Well for those who try and call and sms me, my phone is kaput!

I gotta run, need to work.

lots of love

Postat av: Linda

Oké voor de onderstaande zin graag wat getaileerder uitleg,voor de rest prima verhaal.

"As for the moment I feel like I'm living in a bubble, can't stop thinking about this particular person. INSANE is all I say!"

2009-06-28 @ 21:19:55

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