Otherwise I had a good time at work today. Angie (Angela) has sadly left us now since she is going back to Athens to be with her boyfriend, I am certainly going to miss her and our funny working sessions together! TITHORA THE CLUB haha (Silvano style) haha, it's an inside joke which only the members of Tithora will ever understand.
Either way I can say that I am very pleased with my job and can't wait to see Alex and my mother!
Tomorrow I want to rent a moped and make some sort of a deal! I want to have a moped for like a month or two, so I will have to talk to them. I already know this Aussie guy that works at the place who told me he could make me a special deal since once again I am considered to be a local now. Lucky me, right? haha :)
I am also going to meet my favorite Italian boys Fabio and Luigi, cutiest boys ever, really! Bellisimo (I don't know if it is spelled correctly) but it is something we say all the time!
Either way I have to go back to work now, we are going to take a taxi home now!
Lots of love
my teen years are officially over
During these last couple of weeks I feel like I have grown immensely. I have dealt with all sorts of situations and there are many more to come. To be able to stand on your own two feet in another country and work and live is quite an achievement at such a young age.
I am also realising what is important and what is not. When I return to Sweden things will change for me and I will choose to stop seeing certain people who give me a negative vibe. I will also get a job and continue to study. The choose of study will be focusing on psychology. My favorite subject.
As for the moment I feel like I'm living in a bubble, can't stop thinking about this particular person. INSANE is all I say!
Well for those who try and call and sms me, my phone is kaput!
I gotta run, need to work.
lots of love
earthquakes and italians
Earthquakes and Italians are a great combo, thanks guys for driving me home last night on the frickin quad which I was allowed to drive! I'm a great driver according to myself! 4 earthquakes in one night certainly scared a lot of people here on this island. There were rumours that the volcano would erupt but it did not thank god haha. Since Santorini is situated right inside a volcano I started to feel a lot of anxiety.
However my mother calmed me down through the phone so I continued to drink some more, haha good solution right?
Well I'm off, I'm going to eat something quick and then work starts.
Btw: met nice swe guy from Goteborg yesterday, I think I will show him the island tomorrow. Like I said before I love to meet new people.
I also spoke to David, he is probably coming back to visit me sometime soon, I can't wait!
wild child
Well yesterday was sure as hell a crazy night, I ended up meeting two fellas who work at Wet (a beachbar) in Santorini and Theo and I ended up going to Enigma! We had some trouble remembering each others names haha and we made a bet.
Anyway haha, I woke up at around 10 o'clock this morning and headed off to Kamari Beach, there I met an awesome dude from the Galapagos Islands who shares the same interest in music as I do. Psy Trance AH! We then together met the so called "King" of Santorini (he even has a special necklace which he received a long time ago) and he is veery old and has four wifes haha! Adorable. Either way he then gave me a lift to my house and there to my big surprise were cleaning ladies. Thank God. The house is now finally gonna look somewhat nice!
Well I gotta run, all I can say is that there is something in the air and I LIKE IT haha!
Big kiss
At the moment life is greaaat however this morning I woke up since Alex stumbled into my room. He and George were trying to deal with the cockroaches that are outside of the house, really nasty. I sometimes just wanna move out but then at the same time it's for free and what else do you want more? We had a great laugh though and scared the shit out of eachother, and after that went to eat at Kostas as usual.
At the moment I have been talking to Alex from Sweden and he actually booked a ticket, I can't wait to see him again. I'm doing some research to see if we can do some fun things here. Maybe jetski or what I really wanna do is take my scuba diving license, I have already been at the scuba diving center and it's around 360 euros but they are going to give me discount since I am now considered to be a local since I live and work in Santorini. Haha I can't complain!
Either way, the last couple of days have been absolutely lovely! I meet new people everyday and the weather is bloody GREAT! I have a lot of stories to tell but I won't write them here since my whole family reads this blogg as well. If you want the spicy details, write me an email haha.
Well that's all for now, I gotta go! Ciao
I am growing tired of the people who cannot handle a bit of alcohol. Yesterday I met a guy from America so we went to the Koo Bar, Murphy's, Town Club, Enigma, etc. But after a couple of shots he starts zig-zagging as we walk through the club. I drank equally much but this guy was sure not capable. Haha, I didn't even feel sorry for the guy, own fault. Learn how to drink dude! Either way I abonded him, met sweet Nicole and joked around with her a bit.
Either way, I have yet to meet someone who can keep up with me. Haha maybe tonight someone will come along haha who knows.
I might meet David later on, a fine lad from England but my phone has no money whatsoever. Sucks. He reminds me so much of Mr. Rankin, my old gym teacher haha.
Well either way, I miss Therese a lot but also my family and my little ones (the dogs).
That's all, now I'm really off to the beach,
Much love
crazy sunny days
Then when I got home, Alex and I decided to go for one coffee and then I would head off to the beach. Ehm, that did not quite happen. We ended up sitting there for four hours drinking mythos and taking shots. There I met Nicole, Kostas and now we consider the group to be family. I probably will go there later on. However, back to the story haha, we ended up dancing and breaking plates since that's a greek tradition and since Kostas owns the restaurant it was not a problem. I even filmed it, so I will try and figure out a way to transfer the video to the computer.
Then the problem was that Alex and I had to start work at 1900, we ended up going at 2100 instead, since we had waay too many drinks and the only way to cool down was to throw water at eachother and I also have footage of that so.. it cant get any better haha.
Well I'm off, I need to go to the beach and become a black woman.
Lots of love to everyone
it's all gooooood
I got my money yesterday and I get really good money for just doing PR. So I want to save up for a ticket but also for fun things, such as water skiing, wind surfing, etc.
As for the rest, I'm planning on returning to Helsingborg and to save up money so I can travel to Australia for a year. Go surfing and then finish off in Hawaii. Sounds nice right?
Just live life. I don't understand the people that stay in the same place for years and years, just going to the same clubs, and then occasionally go somewhere. I would get so bored?
Not for me, it's all about traveling the world.
I can't wait to see Alex, he is doing a Eurotrip soon and I wanna know if he has any good tips for me haha.
He is just as free as I am. Hippie at heart haha.
Well that's all, I'm going outside to snap Silvano's cigarette in half haha and then buy ourselves a greek salad, then we both start off with PR at 1900 to 0100.
Thats's all for now, ciao
Lots of love
work work work
Well at the moment I'm waiting to start work, I start in 30 minutes so I thought I could write something here. I will be working from 2100 to 0100 tonight and I'm a little bit tired but I will manage. The expenses here are not to joke around with. It is expensive here for christ sake so I have to start saving up a bit. At the moment I have 100 euros so it's not that much. I think I need around 150 euros so I can come home. I wanna earn that first and then I can start having a good time.
Then there is the matter of people wanted to visit me. First of all my parents wanna come for a while so that will be great. And then I spoke to Alex, and he is on this eurotrip so he wants to stop by in Santorini, but then I would like to have some more money so I can have a good time and party hardy haha. And my favorite visitor is Therese. Hopefully she will come in June and then we will see how long she is planning to stay. She is definitely missed but what can I do.
Hopefully tonight at work, I will meet Kosta, I wanna have these deep talks more often. I have recently started reading When Nietsche Wept, so I'm all about psychology and philosophy folks haha :)
And just minutes ago, I took the local buss to Fira. Hilarious! Just typical greek locals. The worst thing is haha that I so fit in there. People here only speak greek to me haha. They think I'm greek, hilarious!
Tomorrow I'm planning on getting up early, say 10.00 and go to Kamari beach and just relax. The view is great, you can actually see another island while you are on the beach. I would love to sit at a restaurant but I am just too poor right now, and I have a tight budget.. Yes can you believe it, I am more responsible now than ever, crazy!
Well that's all, gotta go.
lots of love,
koala baby haha
Well I'm in Santorini now and I love it. I don't think I ever want to come home, not a chance. However there are certain people that I really miss and hopefully they will come and visit in July.
The first night here was hilarious, I did not have to work and I was sooo exhausted, I had only slept two hours the day before and I ended up sleeping on the toilet. Lovely right haha.
The second day/night the boys (George and Silvana) and I woke up at around 16.30 so we decided to go to Kamari Beach and there we ate some Greek salad (my favorite) and each drank a 500ml mythos, mmm! I have some pictures that I will upload soon, I just forgot to take my camera with me today.
Then in the evening, it was my first day at the job. Francesco was trying to be my mentor but I ended up getting stressed so next time I will tell him to let me do it myself. Francesco is a man that used to work there before as a bartender, my mother and I met him last year. Remember mummy, the old rocker with long hair haha.
Then the crew that I work with are so lovely, I am trying to teach them english and they teach me some greek. I think I hear the word Malaga 50 times a day. I have some pictures of them as well.
We have George who I have written about before, then we have Silvana (a 16-year old hippie) who cracks me up every single time. Then we have Alex, haha oh alex.. now that is an alcoholic haha, no just joking but he sure loves the bottle. Then last but not least we have Nick, the guy that tries to seduce the ladies, hilarious.
Yesterday I also met some very special people, I definitely felt a connection, we talked all night long about philosophy and talked about Ancient Greece. Thank god I am not the only one that is intellectually capable of having a deep conversation. They were greek but lived in germany. Amazing people. They called me Koala baby, apparently I look like one hahah!
Well I'm off, I have to buy some sun screen and buy something to eat. I miss all of you, especially Therese!
Lots of Love
ps. I will try and keep you updated every day.
Så ja, här får ni en bild på min roomie George som jag kommer bo och jobba med hela sommaren! Vi ska jobba på en rockbar som kallas för Tithora (grekisk), försök inte uttala detta på svenska ^^, han ska vara dj och jag får välja, promotion eller eventuellt bartender :)
Hur som hellst, har sjukt mkt att göra idag, nästan för mkt.. farmor från Holland är här idag så måste hinna träffa henne med. Har ialafal haft en sjuk vecka hittils, jätte mysigt <3.
Imon är det studenten som gäller och ja det kommer förmödligen regna och vet ni vad, Jag bryr mig inte, HAHA kommer dricka och vara glad endå! Jag menar från och med söndag kommer det vara 40 grader varje dag?! Nej jag klagar verkligen inte.
That's all folks
LOVE / kimba.
Yep yep
KIMBAH flyttar om 6 dagar, helt sjukt???!!!
get ready motherfuckers, cuz im coming for u!
for all the ups & downs
Älskar dig mest!!
Ciaooo x.
aj aj aj
Hur som hellt så har jag precis kommit hem till lägenheten nu, ska köpa lite mat sen bär det av till Råå, ska hälsa på Jocke med Gurra och Sebbe, käka lite mat. Får se om Jocke lyckas med att göra en go grekisk sallad åt mig haha. I'm a greek fanatic som alla mina vänner vet om.
Jag vill egentligen bada idag men vet inte om det är så bra när man har stora sår på kroppen? Blagh riktigt störigt.
Ialafal, nu ska jag ta Gurras bräda (har fortf inte lärt mig att jag kanske kommer ramla igen, duh) och köpa några jordgubbar och vanligt bröd.
* Förresten ett bra tips till er som vill hitta på nåt roligt på en varm sommardag som denna; dra till stranden och kolla lite på beachhandboll, it's worth it!
Ja that's all for today. Much love
Kimba x.