im baaack

Sorry for not updating my blog but I just have not had the time untill now..
Once again a lot has happened these last couple of days and there has been some ups and some downs.
Marianna and I went to Perissa beach two days ago, we went to Jojo's where the staff from Murphy's was, we had a great time and went out to dinner and finished off with a glass of white wine in Thira.

Then I've been spending some more time at the camping place and there I have met some beautiful people who I basically meet everyday!

However I've realised that I am still young and I'm still in the growing up phase since I have yet so much to learn and this trip to Santorini has definitely helped me grow a lot.

Tonight I might either work at the jewellery store for the last time or follow Sean to Kamari and try and fix a job there?
What should I do? Well I'm probably leaning more to Kamari since it will be more fun and my friends are there + I might as well start looking for a job there since it wasn't working out at the jewellery store. The job was too boring and I'm not even interested in jewellery so why work in one?!!

Well either way I just want to say thank you to my mum for answering phone calls in the middle of the night. It is really appreciated!

And then I also miss the boys, Mark and my daddy! I can't wait to see you again in August or September. Lots of love to you guys.

Well that's all for now, I'm off to the camping site.. Need to get some sort of a tan.

Love y'all
/ Kimba


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