crazy love

Well I've been meeting this guy for a while now and he is from Amsterdam.. And to be honest with you, I haven't had these strong feelings for anyone after Rambo. His name is Wilko and he feels the same thing for me as well. He was supposed to leave yesterday but than his boat got cancelled so he came back so we were veery happy to see eachother again and we also realised how hard it was to leave eachother. He is now going to leave tomorrow with his friends so we will have one last night together so I really want to enjoy this day.. Tomorrow is going to be hard though..

He has also met my dad since my father is in Santorini now and this morning I left them talking since I had to go to work. They have a lot in common and I'm happy to see that.

I must say it is very strange to have these sorts of feelings again since I thought that Rambo was the only one that I would ever have feelings for. The funny thing is that Wilko had the same problem with his ex. We both said that it felt like we had hearts of stone but that it has changed.

We have been sleeping outside my tent for 3 days now and "my dog" Bobby (who follows me around wherever I go) always comes and joins us. Adorable! 

I'm also so happy that daddy is here! I think he is very proud of me since I'm working a lot and I'm way better with money now than before! My father being the popular guy he is haha :) has met so many people already and is always talking to someone. I'm proud to be his daughter, really I am :)

I don't know what it is.. but there is something in the air and I love it!!

Lots of love / from a kimba on clouds haha :) 

Postat av: Mama

En nu nog een foto van "hem" ;)

Love U- tot over 5 dagen :)

2009-07-28 @ 11:14:24
Postat av: Anonym

Begrijp ik het goed...uit Amsterdam???? Kijk daar kunnen we wat mee....

Laat ie vooral z'n aanstaande tante eens opzoeken op Hyves.......

2009-08-10 @ 08:02:07

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