Mellow Monday

I'm up early today and I'm going to get ready soon to meet Filippa for our lunch fika.. I haven't seen that girl for a long long time so I can't wait to see her today :)

After that I'm going to do some shopping and going to look for some tickets to go to Vietnam or Thailand this winter.. perhaps 2 weeks or maybe even longer, who knows maybe I find a job there?

Either way tonight, the plan was to go out to Svea but I think I will pass, I prefer to have a nice evening with some close friends instead.

I've also set up a goal for myself since I have gained a couple of kilo's from Greece from all the binch drinking and eating. I want to loose 5 kilo's through both exercise and a proper diet. Need to loose this damn beer belly haha :)
No I look alright but I feel like I have to build up my stamina, I can't go on like this!

That's all folks, love x.


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